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Adult Education

GED Classes in CT

The GED classes prepare you to pass the four-part exam to earn a State of Connecticut diploma. You receive the necessary instruction in Social Studies, Science, Math and Language Arts. 

Before you are registered for the GED classes, you will take a pre-test that will determine your educational needs.  The score needed to be placed in GED classes is an assessment score above 235 in Math and English. 

If you score below 235 you will be placed in ABE (Adult Basic Education) which is a program that will help you develop your basic reading, writing, math, and technology skills in preparation for all of our high school options:  GED (General Education Development), NEDP (National External Diploma Program), and CDP (Credit Diploma Program).  Note that in addition to the test scores, placement will be reviewed by the student, teachers, administrators, and counselors.  For more information call us today at 860-647-5075!

All incoming 17 and 18-year-old students need a withdrawal form to enroll in adult education.



Monday and Wednesday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM-Virtual

Trimester 2 will be a hybrid format. 


Tuesday and Thursday6:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Thursdays will have an option to be virtual or in person.

For alternate schedules through our Alliance program, click here

  • Trimester 1: 9/5/23 - 11/20/23
  • Trimester 2: 12/11/23 - 3/6/24
  • Trimester 3: 3/18/24 - 6/10/24
  • Daytime GED/ABE: M/W  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Evening GED: M/W  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM --- ABE: T/TH  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

After you complete your GED classes with us, we can administer your GED test.  Click here for testing information!

To register for the GED exam or enroll in GED classes, you must be at least 17 years old and officially withdrawn from school for at least six (6) months, or your 9th grade class must have already graduated from high school. The GED exam is given monthly at locations throughout the state. Registration to take the GED is available at the Manchester site. Applicants for the GED exam 21 years of age or older and a non-veteran must pay a fee of $13. If your application is for a retake, the fee still applies. There is no fee for individuals under the age of 21.

Please call to register 860.647.5075