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Adult Education

English as a Second Language (ESL)

ESL is a program for adults who would like to learn or improve their English. ESL classes help individuals to improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Classes are offered at four levels: basic, beginner, intermediate and advanced. Before you are registered for the ESL classes, you will take a pre-test that will determine your educational needs.  The score breakdown is as follows:  Score of less than 181 or unable to test - Basic, score of 181 to 200 - Beginner, score of 201 to 220 - Intermediate, score of 221 to 235 - Advanced.  If you score above 235, your ESL level is above our ESL programs but we will give you options within our Continuing Education and Business Academy departments.  For more information or to register, call us at 860-647-5075!



Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Session I: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Session II: 12:45 PM-3:30 PM


Monday and Wednesday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM



  • Trimester 1: 9/5/23 - 11/20/23
  • Trimester 2: 12/11/23 - 3/6/24
  • Trimester 3: 3/18/24 - 6/10/24

For alternate schedules through our Alliance program, click here

 Call 860-647-5075 to register

Please call to register 860.647.5075